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Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

L Seat...

Had a good session at the gym tonight, amazingly held the L-Seat for 5 seconds. Felt good, and I felt that I had made some real progress!

Vid to follow.


Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

L Seat - it is a tough posture. I find that my yoga training/practice has helped immensely with that. I can hold now for several seconds on first attempt and am amazed at how my stamina wanes quickly after that first attempt.

I find the keys are to have a really strong core. Tighten the abs and roll back the sit bone, almost as if you are arching your back, but really that will cause you to tighten your abs even more. Then I concentrate on breathing really deep (yoga-esque). This helps feed your muscles with the essential O2 they need to do their job as well as help focus your mind on the task at hand. Try taking a few really deep, complete lung filling breaths prior to doing the exercise. Then while doing it, focus on deep breathing and really filling your lungs to the max. Let me know if that helps or hurts your performance.

gilesdm said...

Nice advice, as you know this is something i have a hard time doing(bad core strengh) but it's getting better.

My main issue is my leg muscles hurt due to the degree in which i have to contract the quads. Do you get this problem? Do you think stretching might correct this problem?

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

Yeah I too get that. I'm no expert, but I would work on isometric leg extensions - that is holding the weight up as if you were holding out your legs - LIGHT WEIGHT though so you don't get injured.

Also, the problem might be in you hip flexors, not your quads - I've seen you sqaut and you have some quads. Your hip flexors are harder, much harder to work and are actually the muscles that move your leg forward when you walk and help, while being attached to the core muscles, hold your legs up during L-Seat. You might try to the hip adduction machines and lunges.

Hope that helps. Let me know if it works.

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

Dude, hilarious picture!!!!! Love it!