Train on...

Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Monday, 28 July 2008

Back to a regular workout.

Now that my shoulder is starting to feel a lot better I have decided to go back to a more regular 2 body parts per workout. I don't think that I need the flexibility that the all over body workout gave me anymore, and a more regular workout will suit me. I am going to stay with the Randomisation method, to keep every work fresh, as well as shocking the muscles by working the same group on consecutive days.
I really could do with a more comprehensive leg workout, but the simple fact is, works legs sucks old mans balls, and I hate it, so fuck it!

1 -Legs,
Calf Raises

2 -Stomach,
Weighted V sits
Leg Raises
L Seat
L Seat Sides
Hanging Leg Raises

3 -Back
Chin Ups
Wide Grip Pullups
Towel Pullups
Seated Rows
Horizontal Pulls
Chin-up Claps

4 -Chest
Planche Pushups
Planche Shoulder Pushups
Wide Ball Pushups
Straddle Planche Hold

5 -Shoulders
Barbell Row
Hand-Stand Pushup
Shoulder Rotations
Cable Shoulder Rotations
Lat Raises

6 - Skills
Pike Press Ball
Pike Press
Tuck Press
Hand Stand to Crab
Crab to Handstand.
Head-Stand to Hand-Stand - and reverse.
L-Seat to Planche Hand-stand.
Hand-Stand Pushup.
Straddle to Planche Hand-stand

To finish

Straddle Stretch
Quad Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Uppr Body

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