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Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Monday, 21 July 2008


Added Backwards roll to handstand, and Dynamic Shoulder Press.
Two exercises - per body part - per workout. Roll a dice to decide.

Mad Skillz!
1) Assisted Pike Press. (8 attempts X 3)
2) Free Standing Handstand Push-up (8 attempts X 3)
3) Tuck Press. (8 attempts X 3)
4) Negative Pike Press.
5) L-Press
6) Hand-walk.
7) Backwards roll into handstand.

1) Handstand Push-ups against wall.
2) Shoulder Rotation (dumbbell)
3) Side shoulder lateral pulls
4) Single Dumbbell Press.
5) Head-stand to Handstand combination.
6) Dynamic shoulder Press. (For handstand clap training)

1) Pseudo Push-ups. (Raised legs)
2) planche Push-ups.
3) Dips
4) Wide Push-ups.

1) Leg extensions
2) Calf Raises.
3) Leg Curls
4) Pistols.

1) Behind Neck Pull-ups
2) Wide grip Pull-ups
3) Close grip Chin-ups
4) Horizontal Pull-up
5) Towel Pull-ups.
6) Tuck Pull-ups.

1) Weighted V Sit-ups
2) Leg Raises.
3) Hanging Leg-raises.
4) L-seat Practice.

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