Train on...

Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Shoulder injury cont...

So, my shoulder seems to be almost mended, I managed some push-ups last night, and although my shoulder still freezes up after training, it soon loosens up again for the next session.
So far, so good!

Monday, 28 July 2008

The problem with gyms,

Is they tend to look like this,

When they should look more like this,

Back to a regular workout.

Now that my shoulder is starting to feel a lot better I have decided to go back to a more regular 2 body parts per workout. I don't think that I need the flexibility that the all over body workout gave me anymore, and a more regular workout will suit me. I am going to stay with the Randomisation method, to keep every work fresh, as well as shocking the muscles by working the same group on consecutive days.
I really could do with a more comprehensive leg workout, but the simple fact is, works legs sucks old mans balls, and I hate it, so fuck it!

1 -Legs,
Calf Raises

2 -Stomach,
Weighted V sits
Leg Raises
L Seat
L Seat Sides
Hanging Leg Raises

3 -Back
Chin Ups
Wide Grip Pullups
Towel Pullups
Seated Rows
Horizontal Pulls
Chin-up Claps

4 -Chest
Planche Pushups
Planche Shoulder Pushups
Wide Ball Pushups
Straddle Planche Hold

5 -Shoulders
Barbell Row
Hand-Stand Pushup
Shoulder Rotations
Cable Shoulder Rotations
Lat Raises

6 - Skills
Pike Press Ball
Pike Press
Tuck Press
Hand Stand to Crab
Crab to Handstand.
Head-Stand to Hand-Stand - and reverse.
L-Seat to Planche Hand-stand.
Hand-Stand Pushup.
Straddle to Planche Hand-stand

To finish

Straddle Stretch
Quad Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Uppr Body

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Sent to me by a mate, good info.

1) Big weights don't necessarily equal big muscles
One of the fundamental principles of resistance training is Gradual Progressive Overload (GPO), which means that for a muscle to get bigger and stronger it must be subjected, gradually, to heavier weights — or so that's how we typically translate the GPO principle. However, there are tons of ways to give extra stimulation (overload if you will) to a muscle and force it to adapt.
You could do one more rep. You could rest less between sets. You could do an isolation exercise for that muscle immediately prior. You could do the negative (eccentric) part of the rep more slowly. Or you could simply focus on squeezing that muscle more during the contraction as opposed to just moving the weight from point A to point B. (Arnold called this the mind-muscle connection, and for stimulating and isolating a muscle it's very productive.)
The fact is, more bodybuilders than not would fall short of being what most would consider super strong, yet they posses some serious muscle mass.

2) Carving in striations? Not!
Listen, neither high reps nor isolation exercises (or the two combined) will "carve striations" into your muscles. So if you're barking up the cable cross-over or leg extension tree in hopes of some striations falling your way, you're wasting your time.
Same goes for cuts between muscles. Think about it, what makes for a deep valley? Two big hills on either side, right? If you want deeper cuts, get bigger muscles. And if you want striations, lose some body fat.
For those seeking something a bit more high-tech that actually does work, you could get some deep tissue massage or ART (Active Release Techniques) done to help separate individual muscles, enhancing the visual space between them. I've performed my own type of soft tissue work (a modified ART) to really help bodybuilders improve the separation between muscles with results that were incredible, especially between the three visible quad heads.
But basically, if you want serious cuts and striations, focus on your diet and cardio, not some pansy-ass isolation exercises.

3) Strength is very lift specific
Try working your way up to squatting 405 (or whatever) for ten reps. Then immediately ditch squats in your leg routine and replace them with leg presses for 10 weeks. Now go back and try to squat 405 for ten reps. I bet you'll fail miserably.
For obvious reasons, our body adapts to the exact exercises we do week in and week out. For that reason, it's ultra important for you to find staple exercises that work well for your physique, stick with them, and get strong on them.
Dorian Yates rarely ever changed exercises; he just found the ones that worked best for him and focused on improving his performance on those. Now while I personally advocate using a bit more variety than Dorian did, he certainly managed to build a decent physique.
I'd also like to point out that in my above example of substituting squats for leg presses for ten weeks, although your strength would go down in the squat, your legs would be every bit as big and maybe even bigger. That's further support for point number one.

4) The bench press does not build big pecs!
The bench press is the most overrated exercise of all time. In fact, if you perform the bench press in the manner that most people do, it's not even very good at stimulating the pecs.
To make matters worse, other docs I've talked to concur with my observation that the flat barbell bench press is positively correlated with a number of shoulder injuries like AC joint problems, biciptal tendonitis, and torn pecs. (I'm referring to tendonitis of the long head of the biceps tendon where it slides through the biciptal groove on the head of the humerus — essentially a shoulder problem.)
I'm not saying to never do the bench press; I'm just saying that I wouldn't do it any more than any other chest exercise. Actually, I'd probably do it less than most others.

5) Deadlifts do build a big back
What gives? One minute I'm bashing the sacred bench press and talking about not needing to focus solely on lifting heavy weights, and now I'm saying to do the fundamental powerlifting exercise: the deadlift.
For years I couldn't make scientific reason of the dogma that deadlifts are the Holy Grail for developing a thick back. Try as I must to justify cable rows and pulldowns over deads, in the end the anecdotal evidence was too overwhelming.
Look at it this way: have you even seen anyone who can deadlift some serious weight that didn't have a thick back? I didn't think so. But you will see guys all day long who can do pulldowns or cable rows with the entire weight stack yet don't have a back that could win the novice division of a local bodybuilding contest.
If you improve your deadlift by 200 pounds, I guarantee you'll have a much thicker back.

6) Squats are king for thigh mass
I bet you can think of at least two dozen reasons why you shouldn't squat. Don't waste your time; they're all excuses, excuse, excuses.
The truth is, squats are hard-ass work, so we want them to be overrated! I'll be the first to admit that I don't like doing them, but I do like the results.
To show how effective squats are at stimulating the quads and even hams, do ten sets of ten deep reps on the squat and see how sore you get. Now try to duplicate that level of deep muscle soreness with any other leg exercise, leg presses and hack squats included. It simply won't happen (assuming you had the cojones to use close to your 10RM on most sets of those squats.)
Like deadlifts for back, there are just far too many people who've built great legs with squats to deny their effectiveness. Don't get caught up in reading those muscle tabloids and the fact that many pro-bodybuilders don't do squats. If you dig deeper (as I've done) you'll find that the vast majority of them builttheir legs with squats and now maintain them with other exercises.
As Ronnie Coleman so eloquently stated, "Eva body wanna be a bodybuilda, but don't nobody wanna lif' no heavy-ass weight." The same could be said for squatting.

7) Don't Always Train to Failure
It's ingrained in many of us that, sans a warm-up or two, if you're going to pick up a weight, you're going to lift it until you can't lift it anymore. After all, that's the way a Testosterone Nation man should train, right?
Not necessarily.
If you're going to train to failure you're going to have to severely limit the number of sets you do in order decrease your chance of overtraining. While training to failure for a limited number of sets can work (a la Max OT Training, DC Training, and Heavy Duty Training) it's a lot easier, probably safer, and just as effective to stop a rep or two short of failure. I know I've made my best gains in strength when training to just short of failure.
If it's scientific studies you're interested in, a recent study showed that training to failure led to hormonal signs of overtraining. Yet another study showed that only training to failure on the last of three sets was more effective than training to failure on all three sets.
Like Lee Haney said, "You should stimulate, not annihilate the muscle."

8) Don't have Training ADD
I'll admit it. I have a severe case of Training Attention Deficit Disorder. How many times have you started a new program only to ditch it for yet another program after only two or three weeks? If you're like me, it's fun to just go to the gym and do whatever you feel like that day. However, there's a serious downside to that.
By switching programs and exercises all the time, you don't give your body enough time to reap the benefits of your current program or exercises. For instance, if you decide to do H.I.T. for three months, then do it for three months! Don't be an idiot and ditch it after five weeks because you're bored and wanna do Advanced German Volume Training and a unique exercise you saw Christian Thibaudeau do. Save it for when you've completed your current program.
To appease your inner ADD child, occasionally do 8 or 10 weeks of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants training. Just don't turn that eight weeks into eight months or you'll end up spinning your wheels.

9) Ditch Total Body Training
I'm well aware of the plethora of benefits of Total Body Training (TBT), and I'll agree that you can build a very good body with it. In fact, I train some of my clients with TBT. With that being said, I simply don't feel that TBT can take your physique to its ultimate potential.
Now, by "ultimate potential" I'm speaking of size and definition — a physique that would win a local bodybuilding or even Figure show. I have no studies, but tons of anecdotal evidence to back this up.
You've got to hit a muscle with a fairly high number of sets or crazy intensity to get maximum hypertrophy. In other words, you need to induce a lot of micro-trauma to the muscle. It's simply not feasible to do that to more than two or three muscle groups per day.
So if throwing things or people is your forte, then rock on with TBT. If you wanna have a stage-worthy physique, then split your body into groups. As for anecdotal evidence, not one pro or top amateur bodybuilder trains their whole body at one time. While I'm not one to blindly follow others, you've got to admit that that's some pretty convincing anecdotal evidence.

10) Consider Stretching Part of Training
As someone who treats soft-tissue injuries, I could go on for days about the benefits of stretching to prevent injuries and imbalances. But how does stretching have anything to do with looking good naked? Let me tell you.
Stretching, over time, will help to expand the fascia that tightly encompasses muscles and muscle groups. This tight-ass fascia is thought to be one of the limiting factors of muscle growth. Therefore we want to find a way to stretch it to allow the muscle tissue some room to breath (or grow). Since site-injecting a few cc's of oil into a muscle isn't the smartest thing to do, let's just use stretching to accomplish this goal of expanded fascia.
In order to maximize the volumizing effects, stretch right after training a particular body part while it's still pumped. Also, keep in mind that for connective tissue (like fascia) to stretch, you're going to have to do a lot of stretching (essentially Time Under Tension) and that stretching is going to have to be pretty intense.
I recommend stretching a muscle for about 60 seconds immediately after training it. You should be stretching hard enough that you're really counting down those final seconds. Additionally, stretch another time or two during the day.

11) Try Low-Frequency Training
In case you didn't know, most bodybuilders these days train two or three body parts per day and train each body part only once every five to seven days. I'll admit that training each body part once per week doesn't scientifically seem like the optimal way to train. However, when you consider that about 95% of physique competitors (natural or otherwise) train that way, it's hard to argue with the real-world results.
Now keep in mind that when training each body part only weekly, you need to hit that body part with plenty of work — again, lot's of micro-trauma. Three sets of eight reps on bench for chest ain't gonna cut it; three to five exercises per body part is more like it.
While I think training each body part once per week is a great basic template, I also advocate some higher frequency training from time to time in order to bring up a lagging body part. However, one can still improve body parts by training them only once per week. People do it all the time, and I'm doing it right now.
For the record, Figure competitors should (and typically do) train in a similar fashion to bodybuilders. Sure, leg hypertrophy often has to be kept in check, but training for Figure is more similar to training for bodybuilding than it is different.

12) Feeling the muscle work is of utmost importance
As previously discussed, simply being strong isn't a guarantee that you'll get the muscle size you desire. When you train with a focus on simply moving a lot of weight, you will (albeit subconsciously) lift in such a manner as to make the exercise easier, either by changing the leverage or by coordinating other muscles to aid you in executing the lift.
Take the bench press for example. To really have a big bench you have to do it in such a manner as to use your front delts, triceps, and even lats as much or more as you use your pectorals. However, while this may boost your ego, it's not doing wonders for making your pecs grow.
If your goal is big pecs, then you need to perform the bench press in such a way as to maximize the stimulation on your pecs while minimizing the role the ancillary muscles play in the lift.
To a bodybuilder, the weight on the bar is only a means to an end. Really focus on feeling the working muscle during an exercise. Then, and only then, try to do more weight or more reps while maintaining that mind-muscle connection.

If your primary goal is looking good in your birthday suit, I encourage you to really think about and apply these principles. If you want to enter a strongman contest, then train like a strongman competitor. If powerlifting is your sport of choice, train like they do.
But if you want to look like a bodybuilder, then I'd suggest you learn how successful physique competitors typically train. Even better, learn from some of those who built a great physique from a less-than-stellar foundation, and you'll be well on your way.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

How to Survive a Bear Attack

How to Survive a Bear Attack
Although greatly feared, bear attacks are actually quite uncommon. Bears generally seek to avoid humans, except to steal food, and thus the likelihood of a bear encounter is not all that great. First of all a distinction should be made between the grizzly bear and the less aggressive black bear. Grizzly attacks are both more ferocious and more common than black bear attacks. However, confrontations with all bears should be avoided at all costs. If you spot a bear, do not hang around and watch it. Chances are it will continue to go about its business and leave you alone. Increase your distance from the bear as quickly as possible without seeming obvious. Do not try to outrun the bear because the bear can and will run faster as it decides you have designated yourself potential prey. If the bear begins to follow you, separate yourself from any food items you may be carrying, and continue to walk quickly away. If the bear is clearly disinterested in the discarded food and continues to follow you, turn around and face the bear and place your hands out to your side or above your head to make yourself appear larger and more threatening. If there is more than one person present, all members of the party should do the same in an effort to scare the bear. This is generally sufficient enough to make the curious bear leave, but if it doesn’t; and it becomes apparent that the bear has considered you a potential threat, then desperate measures call for desperate strategies. If the bear begins to run at you, lay down on the ground, cover your head and face with your hands, and play dead. The bear may sniff and paw at you and perhaps even roll your body on the ground, but as humans are not exactly appealing to a bear’s fish and berry diet, they are not likely to eat you. At worst, you may end up with a few bumps and bruises or a broken bone. On the other hand, if you fight back aggressively, the bear will follow its natural instinct to fight back and will probably win. Only physically fight a bear if you have exhausted every other option available and the bear is intent on having you for its next meal. Other means of escape include tall trees (though the bear may wait at the base of the tree indefinitely for you to come down) or a swift stream that you can outswim the bear in.
How to Survive a Mountain Lion Attack
Mountain lion attacks have been making the news headlines with increasing frequency lately. Not just children but a number of persons including hikers, cyclists, and even runners have been the victims of their vicious attacks. Unlike bears, most of the latest mountain lion attacks seem unprovoked, and may be a reaction to the recent encroachment of human development in their natural habitat. Whatever the cause, protecting yourself against a mountain lion attack is of paramount concern, especially in certain areas in the West. If you find yourself the unfortunate victim of a mountain lion attack, fight back aggressively. Use every weapon in your personal arsenal to defend yourself. Sticks, clubs, large rocks, mace, pepper spray, and weapons all need to be employed against a mountain lion attack. It is important that you try to remain standing as you fend off the wild animal to protect your face, neck, and head, and to have better leverage over the animal. Also, scream for help if you are in a residential environment or an area where there are likely to be more people. Once an attack begins, nothing short of killing or grossly injuring this animal is likely to stop it. Mountain lions do consider human beings potential sources of food and will generally prey upon smaller, less defensive humans.

How to Survive an Attack by an Aggressive Dog
Again, avoidance is the surest way to ensure that an attack by an aggressive dog doesn’t occur, but if an attack cannot be avoided, quick thinking and aggressive measures must be implemented. If an aggressive dog confronts you, use a calm voice to let the animal know that you are not interested in a fight. Keep your body turned towards the dog and talk to him while slowly backing away. Remain tall and erect, and if at possible try to make your body appear bigger than it really is. As you are walking away, try to locate a stick to use as a possible weapon should the animal decide to attack. If the dog does lunge at you, remain standing while kicking the animal in the face. Your legs are better suited for defense as they are generally stronger than one’s arms. If you have a stick, deliver full, forceful blows to the animal’s face and ribs in an effort to weaken him. If there is a possibility for you to move to higher ground such as on a car, a raised platform, or a tree, then do so. Any leverage you have on the wild dog will work to your advantage and hopefully result in fewer injuries and an increased chance of survival.

Calories per day required!

My wife went to weight watchers last night and came home and told me about the points system. It’s basically calorie counting, but they have devised a points system to simplify it.

Basically, from what I can gather it works out at about 50 calories per point with some adjustment for fiber. With an added 7 points a day for each hour or of exercise according to weight watchers I should be consuming 32 points, plus 7 per hour of physical activity according to this. So, on a full exercise day I should be consuming 46 points, or 2300 calories.

1 - Male, Female or Nursing Mom?
Female – 2 points
Male – 8 points
Nursing Mom – 12 points

2 - Your Age17 – 26 = 4 Points
27 - 37 = 3 Points
38 - 47 = 2 points
48 - 58 =1 point
58 and older = 0 points

3 - Your Weight
What ever you weigh take the first 2 digits and add them to your points range.
For example if you weight 210 you add 21 pointsIf under 100 pounds take the first digit.
98 lbs = 9

4 - Your Height
Under 5’ ft = 0 points
5’ 1” – 5’ 10” = 1 point
5’ 10” and taller = 2 points

5 - Daily Activity Level
How do you spend most of your day?
Mostly Sitting = 0 points
Occasional sitting but most standing = 2 points (Examples are housewife, cook, teacher, sales clerk.)
Walking mostly = 4 points (Examples are, waiter or mailman)
Hard physical labor = 6 points (Examples are, Gardener, construction or active nurses.)
Add up all categories and you have your new points range.

Now, for me personally that seemed extremely low. Interestingly after some calculations, this is actually very close to my Resting Metabolic Rate of 2216 Cals a day. See below. So, Weight Watchers are actually suggesting that with all my activity included I should actually only eat enough calories to sustain my body at zero activity. In other words, I lay in bed all day, and do not walk, talk or move in anyway, other than to breath.

How to work out your resting metabolic rate, (from

I'd multiply this kilogram number (91 kg) by my percent of body fat. Remember, percents are really decimals so 5% equals 0.05, 12% bodyfat will be .12 etc.

Fat Mass = 91kg x 0.05 = 4.55kg FM

Next I subtract this fat mass number (4.55 kg) from my total body mass (91kg):

Fat Free Mass = 91kg - 4.55kg = 86.45kg

Therefore my fat free mass is 86.45 kilograms. From that I can determine my RMR. The formula for RMR is as follows:
Resting Metabolic Rate for Athletes (in calories per day) = 500 + 22 x fat free mass (in kilograms).
Again, for me, I'd multiply 22 times my fat free mass and add 500 to that number as shown below:
RMR= 22 x 86.45 + 500 = 2402

So mine is RMR x Activity Factor = 2216 calories x 1.5 = 3324 calories.

Now we need to include “Costs of Exercise Activity”:

we need to include the exercise that I do during the week, we calculate this with the following,

MET values for common activities:
high impact aerobics? 7low impact aerobics? 5
high intensity cycling? 12low intensity cycling? 3
high intensity walking - 6.5low intensity walking - 2.5
high intensity running? 18low intensity running? 7
circuit-type training? 8intense free weight lifting? 6moderate machine training? 3

So here's the formula:

Cost of Exercise Activity = Body Mass (in kg) x Duration (in hours) x MET value
And here's how I calculate it for myself:

Exercise Expenditure for weights = 5 METS X 90 x 1.5 hours = 675 calories
Exercise Expenditure for cardio = 3 METS X 90 kg x .5 hours = 135 calories

Meaning that I burn around 810 on the days that I going the gym, morning and evening.
If we divide this by the amount of days I actually train, we have something along the lines of,

Amount of running per week = 77 calories per day.
Amount of weight training per week = 578 per day.
Total amount per day = 655 per day for physical activity.

So, my grand total of calories required, with the amount of physical training, and life style is approximately 3979 calories per day.

Now, we need to account for the thermic effect of food, this basically means that digesting food, burns calories.
Nobody is really 100% sure about this but scientist recon it’s around RMR x 0.10.
So mine would be,

RMR (2200) x 0.10 = 220.

Grand Total (nearly)
So the grand total for my daily calories is somewhere around 4199 calories but I figure that I don’t have the resting metabolic rate of an athlete (as suggested in step one, working out RMR, the guy doing that claims he’s an athlete) so I will deducted 300 calories as a very rough guess.

So, my super duper, final finalized, no more adjustments required results is,

3900 calories per day.

Compared to weight watchers suggested calories of

2300 calories per day.

Monday, 21 July 2008


Added Backwards roll to handstand, and Dynamic Shoulder Press.
Two exercises - per body part - per workout. Roll a dice to decide.

Mad Skillz!
1) Assisted Pike Press. (8 attempts X 3)
2) Free Standing Handstand Push-up (8 attempts X 3)
3) Tuck Press. (8 attempts X 3)
4) Negative Pike Press.
5) L-Press
6) Hand-walk.
7) Backwards roll into handstand.

1) Handstand Push-ups against wall.
2) Shoulder Rotation (dumbbell)
3) Side shoulder lateral pulls
4) Single Dumbbell Press.
5) Head-stand to Handstand combination.
6) Dynamic shoulder Press. (For handstand clap training)

1) Pseudo Push-ups. (Raised legs)
2) planche Push-ups.
3) Dips
4) Wide Push-ups.

1) Leg extensions
2) Calf Raises.
3) Leg Curls
4) Pistols.

1) Behind Neck Pull-ups
2) Wide grip Pull-ups
3) Close grip Chin-ups
4) Horizontal Pull-up
5) Towel Pull-ups.
6) Tuck Pull-ups.

1) Weighted V Sit-ups
2) Leg Raises.
3) Hanging Leg-raises.
4) L-seat Practice.

back roll to handstand

Stretching technique

Most PNF stretching techniques employ isometric agonist contraction/relaxation where the stretched muscles are contracted isometrically and then relaxed. Some PNF techniques also employ isometric antagonist contraction where the antagonists of the stretched muscles are contracted. In all cases, it is important to note that the stretched muscle should be rested (and relaxed) for at least 20 seconds before performing another PNF technique. The most common PNF stretching techniques are:
the hold-relax

This technique is also called the contract-relax. After assuming an initial passive stretch, the muscle being stretched is isometrically contracted for 7-15 seconds, after which the muscle is briefly relaxed for 2-3 seconds, and then immediately subjected to a passive stretch which stretches the muscle even further than the initial passive stretch. This final passive stretch is held for 10-15 seconds. The muscle is then relaxed for 20 seconds before performing another PNF technique.

taken from

Hand-Stand Clap Challenge!

I had a break through with regards to the tuck press on Friday. I realised that my head positioning has to be correct before I start, if the alignment if off then the tuck press is so much more difficult. In the diagram, see the position on the head alignment in comparison to the hand position. It’s important, for me, to have my head positioned over the Hand-line in order to counter balance the weight of my legs as they rise into the correct position. The top diagram is the correct head position, and the bottom diagram the head is too far below the Hand-line, thus making it harder to raise the legs into the correct position and keep the balance.

After a week off running, I start again this morning with an easy 5k.

I am going to increase the amount of flexibility training I am doing, as I feel that this will greatly aid me in my quest for the Pike Press. Also, a friend has challenged me to be able to do a hand-stand clap in 6 months. A tall order but something I am going to attempt.

Friday, 18 July 2008

the Holy Grail continues!

I managed 3 tuck presses in a row last night.
Also, managed to do a really steady hand-stand push-up, almost to the floor. I’m still having stability issues, especially towards the end of the workout when I’m getting tired but I found if I straddle it makes the manoeuvre so mush easier.

Shoulder still twanging and I’m unable to work chest in any way but I have come to the conclusion that this is something I cant work through.

I think I am going to buy myself something to help train my grip and forearm strengh.

The quest for the Holy Grail continues!

Added L-Press, Hand-walk and Handstand to headstand combination.

Added L-Press, Hand-walk and Handstand to headstand combination.

Two exercises - per body part - per workout. Roll a dice to decide.
Mad Skillz!
1) Assisted Pike Press. (8 attempts X 3)
2) Free Standing Handstand Push-up (8 attempts X 3)
3) Tuck Press. (8 attempts X 3)
4) Negative Pike Press.
5) L-Press
6) Hand-walk.

1) Handstand Push-ups against wall.
2) Shoulder Rotation (dumbbell)
3) Side shoulder lateral pulls
4) Single Dumbbell Press.
5) Head-stand to Handstand combination.

1) Pseudo Push-ups. (raised legs)
2) planche Push-ups.
3) Dips
4) Wide Push-ups.

1) Leg extensions
2) Calf Raises.
3) Leg Curls
4) Pistols.

1) Behind Neck Pull-ups
2) Wide grip Pull-ups
3) Close grip Chin-ups
4) Horizontal Pull-up
5) Towel Pull-ups.
6) Tuck Pull-ups.

1) Weighted V Sit-ups
2) Leg Raises.
3) Hanging Leg-raises.
4) L-seat Practice.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Alicia Sacramone, by far the hottest woman on the planet!

3) Tuck Press. (8 attempts X 3)

4) Negative Pike Press.
I attempted 3 sets of 10 last night but found this a little too much. My wrists were hurting and by the end I was having trouble holding a hand-stand at all. I also discover that a wide base, with the hands turned out slightly made a massive difference in stability. I also managed 2 tuck presses in a row, not the first time I have ever done this, but this felt really stable and after a rest, I think I will be able to do it again.


2) Shoulder Rotation (dumbbell) 10 x 10 x 10

3) Side shoulder lateral pulls 6 x 6 x 6

Still unable to work chest in any way.

2) Calf Raises.

3) Leg Curls 10 x 10 x 10


3) Close grip Chin-ups 12 x 8 x 5

5) Towel Pull-ups. 12 x 8 x 5


2) Leg Raises. 6 x 6 x 6

4) L-seat Practice. 9 set at 5 seconds per leg. Only did one leg at a time.

Stretch to finish, my flexibility is slowly improving, but i.m still having a hard time getting into a Pike press position.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

New Workout, more flexible for shoulder recovery.

Two exercises - per body part - per workout. Roll a dice to decide.

Mad Skillz!
1) Assisted Pike Press. (8 attempts X 3)
I dont have the strengh to do this yet, but i raise my legs on a bosun ball and first, and press from that position.

2) Free Standing Handstand Push-up (8 attempts X 3)

3) Tuck Press. (8 attempts X 3)
Like a 'Kick to Handstand' move but the legs are tucked cose to the body from the start. Once this position is held, the legs are extended slowly to a full handstand position. Something I kind of developed for control and strengh, or at least, i dont know the name of it.

4) Negative Pike Press.
Against the wall handstand, then lower the Pike Press until the feet tough the floor (must be controlled or it's not really doing anything)

5) Strength Combination, L-Seat to Planche motion. the first move on this video, but not taken to a full handstand liek this guy does.

6) Critical HIT, add another exercise to today’s workout!

1) Handstand Push-ups against wall.

2) Shoulder Rotation (dumbbell)

3) Side shoulder lateral pulls

4) Single Dumbbell Press.

1) Pseudo Push-ups. (raised legs)

2) planche Push-ups.

3) Dips

4) Wide Push-ups.
Simple-have hands wide apart, and do a normal pushup.

1) Leg extensions

2) Calf Raises.

3) Leg Curls

4) Pistols.

1) Behind Neck Pull-ups

2) Wide grip Pull-ups

3) Close grip Chin-ups

4) Horizontal Pull-ups

5) Towel Pull-ups.

6) Tuck Pull-ups.
Like Horizontal, but nothing supporting legs, legs are tucked in close to body.

1) Weighted V Sit-ups

2) Leg Raises.
but keep your legs straight! Also, dont hand for this one, do the motion on dipping bars...(like for the dip excercise)

3) Hanging Leg-raises.
Keep legs straight!

4) L-seat Practice.

Fat Lose, interesting read...

Gymnastic Training routine

3 x run football field & 10 x 25 yard sprints
2. 3 x 30 1/2 sit ups
3. 3 x 10 Arch up with weight 5-25 lbs.
4. 3 x 10 leg lifts from chin bar
5. 3 x 15 punch with weight - bar behind neck 50-lb. min.

Raise weight each set
6. 3 x 10, 8, 6 Invert press with dumbbell 15-25 lbs.
7. 3 x 10, 8, 6 Bench Planche/Maltese press 20-30 lbs.
8. 3 x 10, 8, 6 Cross cable pulls 70-90 lbs. on each side
9. 3 x 10, 8, 6 Shoulder press with dumbbell 30-40 lbs.

Same weight
10. 3 x 10 Jordan's shoulder rotation w/dumbbell 20-30 lbs.
11. 3 x 10 Empty can lifts w/dumbbell 20-30 lbs.
12. 3 x 10 circles with weight - 2 plates
There are many other possibilities to add. We try to get strong in the rings strength positions that are part of gymnastics. Without rings, this is the best I can do. Any general weight program will definately add to your fitness and strength. Here is some other things that we do:1. (3 x every day circuit is done) Optional SR strength sequence/Maltese & cross
strength & front lever, back lever and press HS
2. 15-20 back loops on pommel horse (min & max)
3. 10 x handstand pushups on PB
4. 5 x pike press handstand on FX
5. Tumble tramp -3 x front off, punch front, punch front 1/1
6. PB strength sequence no spot (L straight body press handstand feet together, lower to L, pike press to handstand, lower to L, bent arm hollow back press to handstand, lower to L, pike press handstand)
7. 2 x rope climb without stopping
8. 5 x Maltese press out with spot on single rail PB
9. 10 x front lever pulls on HB10. 15 x stall bars pike leg lifts up to touching the wall over head

some excellent training tips
Trained on my shoulder last night and it didn't give me too much jip. I am starting to think that it's more of a chest injury than a shoulder one as I managed to do some handstand push-ups without any problems.

I avoided working chest again but I am going to do some light reps tonight, making sure that I don't feel any discomfort when doing it.

I am going to continue with the 'little and often philosophy' and continue to work each body part every time I train. This gives me the flexibility to train consistently without having to worry about re-hurting my shoulder.

Handstand wise this is coming along slowly, but surely and I have figured out a technique for helping me with the pike press. I am basically using a boson ball to aid me with getting my hips high enough to then create the lift with my stomach.

Friday, 11 July 2008

Considering Changing workout.

I am wondering if i might switch to a fully body workout every sessions. A little and often might be a good approach for someone with my goals.

Something like,

2 Shoulder,
2 Legs,
2 Back,
2 Chest,
2 Skills,
2 Stomach.

Thursday, 10 July 2008



assisted handstand push-up.

Good idea for progression...

Assisted 1 arm push-up.

L seat to Handstand Vid. Awesome! I want it!!!!

Points to ponder

Points to Ponder
1. Have a destination (goal) but keep the specifics to yourself. Do you even have a goal?
2. The world is full of pricks who can only criticize. Are you one of them?
3. Use a program designed for your goals. Is your program leading you to your destination?
4. The things you hate to do are the things you need to do most. Are you doing them?
5. If you're not making progress, it may be your attitude that needs adjusting. Are you willing to change?
6. Your time and energy are limited. Are you wasting them by talking shit on the forums?
7. Become a fanatical believer in your cause. Do you really believe you'll succeed?
8. If you're afraid of breaking any of your precious eggs, don't expect too many omelets in your life. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your goals?
9. There are people who are better than you, and who know more stuff than you. Are you listening to them?

Taken from,

Sprint training

Worked my shoulder last night, extremely lightly.
All in all everything went well; I did feel slight pains but nothing too serious. I think at this points it’s extremely important for me to keep it light, although it so fucking frustrating it’s driving me insane.
The niggling pain in my wrist has gone, and I think, having week off has done the trick. If I can just sort out my shoulder I will be injury free. (for the first time in about 3 years)

Also this morning, I did the speed training; it didn’t go as well as I thought,

3 mins at 14kph

3 mins at 14kph

2 mins at 14kph

2 mins at 14kph

I actually found this very difficult, and if I gained anything from this run I managed to identify a serious weakness. Being able to hold a decent pace is going to be essential for me if I am going to be able to break 5k in 25 Mins.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Shoulder injury cont...

So my shoulder is still giving me some jip, but its slowly getting better. I am going to go back the gym tonight, have a light workout and see how it feels tomorrow morning.
After a few days off the gym (7days) I went for a run this morning and managed…

4.85k in 25 mins.

I started out at 12kph but felt very weak from the start… I definitely need to work on my speed, and maintaining speed for distances. I think I am going to start an interval training type thing,

4mins – Walking.
4mins – 13/14kph.

And do three sets of sprinting.

With any luck this will increase my speed endurance and enable me to break that 5k barrier.

Also, might be starting rock climbing at the weekend, this is something that I am starting to feel is essential for Wilderness Survival Training.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Shoulder injury... :(

I have really hurt my shoulder; I think I need to rest more in between shoulder workouts…
I am going to make sure that I rest it for at least a week, I don’t want to train on it and make it worst. I guess this will give me the opportunity to work on my running.
I made 4.90K in 25 minutes today, getting ever close to my goal.

Current Workout Plan.

Morning 25 Min 5K attempt.

Workout A: Back & Biceps

Weighted Pull-ups 30K
Horizontal Pull-ups. 10K
Behind neck pull-ups
Wide grip pull-ups
Seated pulls
Reverse bicep curl
Forearm curl

Morning Stomach V Sits, Hanging Leg Raises, L-seat (1 leg remove), weighted mat leg raises (4k), Plank (remove leg and arm)

Workout B: Chest & Triceps

Off floor push-ups
Planche Holds.
Pseudo wall push-ups
Bench press
Weighted Dips (15k)
Triceps Pullovers
Reverse Wrist curl

Morning 25 Min 5K attempt.

Workout C: Legs and skills.

Hack Squat
Calf raises
Pistols (supported on smith machine)
One arm handstand hold.
Handstand press.
Wide legs, hand planche press. (Legs wide apart, slowly press to planche position.)
L Seat to Planche.

Run, whatever Ifeel like doing.

Workout D: Shoulders,

Handstand push-up (without wall)
Handstand push-up, with wall.
Headstand to handstand.
Single Arm Dumbbell shoulder press.
Dumbbell shoulder rotations (sideways)
Dumbbell shoulder rotations (front ways)
Lateral Raises.

Current Goals...

- Full Handstand Pushup (away from the wall)
- Press into a Handstand.
- Run a sub 25min 5K distance. (current best distance is 4.90K)
- Full Planche, horizontal to the floor.
- 5 reps, of 30K chinups for 3 sets.
- 10 wide grip Pullups for 3 sets.

I give myself 3 months from today to achieve these goals.
So, I can already do the 5 man run test, and four consecutive pull-ups.
My goals about 12 months ago were are follows,

- Run 5K in 28mins, (ACHIEVED)
- Do a free standing handstand, (without the wall) (ACHIEVED)
- Be able to do a half Planche Push-up
(ACHIEVED) but only just.
- Be able to do the L-Seat (FAIL) I am hopeless, stomach muscles very week.

Would you survive?

So, what do I consider essential fitness skills for surviving in the wild?

1) Being able to lift my own body weight.
2) Being able to outrun my opponent.

That’s it, simple.

I am planning on getting better at these things over time. I am planning on getting better at these thing slowly, progressively and without injury (if you’re injured, you’re dead right?)

I am planning on setting myself goals, and then coming up with strategies to help me achieve these goals.

The basic goals I think everyone should have when starting their Wilderness Survival Training are as follows,

1) Be able to outrun 5 random people (or at least, not be last, the last one gets eaten by a bear).
So, select 5 people at random (this must be random to simulate survivors of a downed plane), ask them how fast they can run 5K. If you aren’t the slowest, or second to slowest, you pass.
(FYI, if they don’t run at all, you can beat them)

2) Be able to haul your fat ass up a trees. (To escape a bear obviously, although someone recently pointed out to me, Bears climb trees, but fuck it, I will safely assume it eats the fatty still on the ground, struggling to climb up)
I judge this by being able to do 4 pull-ups, whatever way you find easiest. I know this isn’t the most scientific way of checking this, but fuck it!

So, can you do both of these?

In the beginning there was only...

So, what's all this about?
Well, I have basically decided to keep a record of my training and progress. The reason? Well I have been going the gym for about 7 years on and off (like most people) and always thought I was in reasonably good shape until I saw this, So at this point I realised that I was in fact a complete weakling who would struggle to lift my own body weight…
So in an attempt to make some real training progress I have decided to chronicle my progress - from 30year old, bicep curling, jogging, crisp eating , beer swilling fatty (I would rather die that give up beer BTW) to someone that might have a fighting chance if lost in the wilderness with a group of other survivors.
Can I outrun that bear? (or at least out run other survivors, and while the beast is feasting on their twitching body make my getaway) climb a rock face, or be able to beat the crap out of another human for the last of the rations.

I don’t want to be a runner, body builder nor gymnast. So what do I want? I want to be able to say with confidence,

If I was lost in the wilderness, I would have a fighting chance.

Think about it for a minute, your plane goes down and you and a bunch of others are lost in the wilderness. Do you live or die?
So, you have lost your glasses, you’re dead. You’re fat and can’t run, you’re dead. You can’t climb a tree or rock face, you’re dead.

I could go on and on…

So I have broken it down, these are what I need to work on, to give me a fighting chance.

- Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance - the efficiency with which the body delivers oxygen and nutrients needed for muscular activity and transports waste products from the cells.
- Muscular strength - the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single effort.
- Muscular endurance - the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of time.
- Flexibility - the ability to move the joints (for example, elbow, knee) or any group of joints through an entire, normal range of motion.
- Body composition - the amount of body fat a person has in comparison to his total body mass.