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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Dynos and the Monkey Swing

This first move is called the Dyno, great for working dynamic back strengh.
The second move is something I invented, called the Monkey Swing...just for fun...


Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

dan i am so glad that you started to do the dynamic moves - they are great aren't they. They really build a new type of power. I like how you set up the smith machine to be a two bar system. I dont have that luxury in my current gym, I don't think so I am forced to do dynos at the same height. Another variation of the monkey swing - swap grip in the dynamic move position. For example, go from chin up to pull up and back and forth.

great post - looks amazing.
how'd you pull that off in the weight room without others around?

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

dan - have you tried dynamic dips yet? same idea but on the dip bar. it is easier to use the sole power of your arms on a dyno dip to propel yourself airborne than on the pull/chin-ups where a little swing goes a long way. has similar benefits for power.

gilesdm said...

I really like the idea of the dyno dip, gona do that tonight!!!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

i thought you might like that... .just be careful you dont hurt yourself

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

dan - did you ever try the dyno dips?
what did you think?
pretty hard on the hands, eh mate?
I am sure you pulled off like 2 dozen without a problem, you are getting so fucking strong it's amazing.