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Friday, 5 September 2008

Kick to Hand-stand Arm Position.

I was totally inconsistent when kicking up into the handstand and I was getting frustrated by this, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.

The handstand is a great move for fun and for fitness and for the more intellectual trainer, read this.

It’s and extremely basic move but I was getting frustrated with my inconsistence with the ability to kick into, and hold the handstand every time.

Yesterday, I realised that my hand and arm alignment has everything to do with being able to consistently kick-up into a handstand.

The original tutorial I followed for the handstand instructed me to kick with straight arms, but recently I have realised that it’s much easier to start from the bent arm position, and quickly straighten the arms once the legs get to the correct balancing point.

This bent arm method gives me more control, and enables me to get the correct balance before straightening the arms and making it look good.
If I kick up with straight arms from the word go, I find that I have to get the kick power perfect in order to control the hand-stand at the top of the move. If the power isn’t perfect, I will topple over (maybe because I'm a little heavy/chubby/cuddly whatever you wana call it).

1 comment:

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

Brilliant post mate! I hope this helps me get it once back (next week) into handstand practice.

Excellent post! Great advice.