Train on...

Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Thursday 11 September 2008


So, I haven’t been updating my blog lately due to be a little bit of depression. I’m having major work problems and have felt really down and miserable over the last week or so.

When I feel like this, I miss a few gym sessions but then I get this horrible feeling of ‘well, I’ve missed the gym for 3 days, I’m obviously not that interested in training anymore so what’s the fucking point?’ I ask myself.

5 day off, that’s all I took and I felt awful for it, but I felt great when I went back. I can safely say that I have a mild exercise addiction…but so fucking what!

I am consistently amazed at the influence exercise can have on my mind.

Anyway, I went back to the gym and had a great workout, although I really had to force myself there. Some people need to train when they feel down, let out their aggression. I’m not like this, I’m a happy trainer. If I feel depressed I don’t want to train, I have no motivation and feel tired but the irony is that this is probably when I need to train the most.
Almost instantly after the workout had finished I had this amazing euphoric feeling - I felt great and the problems I have been having with work actually don’t seem as serious as I first thought.

I’m going to end this post with a picture of the most beautiful woman that has ever existed on the earth, the galaxy and the universe, in this dimension and any other dimensions that are, have been or will be.


Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

giles - your back!!!!! LOL
sorry to hear about shit at work, hope things sort out OK. it is true that missing the gym, at least for me, actually exacerbates an already bad mood. I too am a happy trainer - I love that term by the way!

well i hope you are feeling better and remember that set backs are part of life. i find that many set backs that depress me are associated with things outside of my immediate control - work, relationships, etc - that is to say that someone else is doing something that is actually making me feel shitty. fitness and your training, are one thing that YOU control. you can go in and work your ass off - or just go through the motions. at the end of the day, you control it. I think that is why it is so important to keep training when you are experiencing some level of depression or set backs in life. otherwise, if you are like me, you tend to generalize, and as I think you indicated - get the feeling of "What's the point?" so the loss of control has now leaked into this other aspect of life that you should have control over. I try, and try to never let my work or other shit interfere with my working out - once I start letting work determine whether I do or dont workout (within reason) then I realize things are spinning out of control. Usually austen will set me straight and make me go to the gym - and will not talk to me until after, when I too, get a feeling of - damn, that felt good. Why did I wait so long to get back into the gym? and, oh that problem at work, yeah it's serious, but I will deal with it during the 9-5 work hours and I can still workout. make sense?

anyhow, hope you are feeling well. plus the rest, for your muscles probably did you good! so try to see the glass half full ;-)

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

ps: sorry for the long post!

gilesdm said...

Sorry! Are you joking? that post just made me feel loads better!

I really appreciate it!

gilesdm said...
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Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

Glad to help - it's the psychologist in me! LOL
Now get in the gym and kick some ass!!!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

hey, have you cheered up yet?
i heard you are having beers with Lance this weekend? have a few for me...

cheers mate,