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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Gymnastic Style Training Tips

Gymnastic moves require strength, power, flexibility and complete control over the body. For these reasons, strength training is a MUST for gymnastic style moves.

You must approach strength training for gymnastic style moves in a methodical, sensible fashion.

Emphasize the correct Muscle.
When you create a strength training plan exclusively for Beast Skills, I think you should emphasize the shoulders, back, chest, arms, abdominals, and thighs. These are the “order of importance” for your workout. The shoulders are used more than any of the other muscles, and therefore are trained first in a workout when your body is fresh.

Select Exercises for the Beast Skills muscle
There are many, many exercises that you can perform for each of the body parts. Think about what body parts are sore after a practice or performance and consider exercises that will train that area. Generally, you should try to perform 2 exercises for each body part when designing a sport specific strength training plan for Gymnastic style moves.

Start Slowly Then Move Faster
For gymnastics training you should start the exercise slowly and methodically. As your muscles start to tire out, you then try to speed up the repetitions. The weight probably won’t move faster at this point, but the increased effort to speed up will tax the muscle fibers more. Continue until you cannot perform another repetition with perfect form. Use a spotter if training with free weights.

Train the Individual “Heads” Of the Shoulders
The shoulders have three separate heads or areas. They are the anterior deltoid, the medial deltoid, and the posterior deltoid. It is a good idea to train these heads individually. Front raises, lateral raises, and the reverse pec-deck machine are good choices.

Swiss Balls are good for ab work.
A swiss ball is amazingly effective for working your abdominal muscles. It allows you to stretch your abdominals before flexing them. Most abdominal exercises don’t allow for a full stretch of the abdominals, and are therefore less effective for a gymnast, who wants very strong abdominals.


Crabby McSlacker said...

New here, and holy crap! I just watched your handstand push-up video.

Hurts just watching. Way impressive!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...


great post mate! I wanted to emphasize two things: 1) start slowly - moving too fast is how I think I messed up my back. It is essential to realize that you will not just walk up to the rings and pull off an iron cross, and if someone does i'd need to see it 1st hand to believe it. 2) swiss balls are the greatest. most males feel like pansy asses using them in the gym. they really do work your abs in a number of cool and interesting ways and with just one medium sized ball you can do a ton of different things to hit all angles of the abdominal/core areas. And just think, if you feel funny being the only guy using the swiss ball in the gym, you will also be the only guy surrounded by babes using the balls next to you. dont know about you, but being surrounded by females playing with and on balls, well just brilliant!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

maybe one additional comment - and dan suggests it here - move slowly, but also push yourself. try suspension training for ab work and core work and balance work as well. I dont swear by it yet, but have really found it very challenging and fun.