Train on...

Or get out of the way of the revolution!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Man Flu.

So I have been out of commission for the last week due to a extra bad base of MAN FLU!

I was very bad, sore neck and back and combining this with almost drowning in my own mucus I wasn't very happy.

But, I feel great again now, so I’m back at the training although I feel this has massively stalled, and I'm making very little progress I’m going to plough away, and stick at it.


Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

don't forget - exercise boosts your immune functioning so completely stopping exercise while battling illness might not always be best.

hope you are doing better soon mate

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

!to the music of taps!
Man flu has killed giles!!!!
How you doing mate?